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ended after first day but cool game

Saving the game last night only to find that I saved JUST before the end of the game in its current state is painful. I hope to see more of this, game hits all my anxiety buttons and I felt horrible for Knight and Mage all night long :D

is there anything to do after you talk to all the villagers? i talked to everyone, i also read the (im assuming its cinderella) book that elk gives you. but now i cant do anything and when i try to go in the house it just says that i need to socialize with people

Have you talked to Elk after you read the book? (The game does end shortly afterward but there is a little more)

Wow this game is much more interesting than I thought, I hope an update is planned!


It is actually! I'm aware my update schedule is... let's just say lackluster to put it mildly, but I may make an update post to show some concept art and CGs I've done for it

Story for this game is really great and I hope you continue to develop it!

Looks really promising, hope you continue the development ^-^


is there a way to escape the giant bleeding frog?


Hi wow i love this a lot!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Really liked the game! had fun with the puzzle and loved the horror parts of the really interesting and kinda wholesome story. Short, to the point with lore in diary pages scattered over the place, wich were fun to collect and learn about the fates of these characters. Also was pleasantly surprised by the horror and  gore aspects of this game, wich worked, at least for me, to further dive into the story. I fell like the ending you made for this game, or demo, just fits, letting the player to imagine what could happen later, a happy ending or not. Started playing for the transformations, ended up with a cool scary love story.


really cool game

Deleted 2 years ago

Have you read the notes nearby? They both give pretty solid hints at the answer.

Basically, the codes are a letter-to-number cipher, where A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. etc. etc.

Here's the solution, but I'll put it in strike-through so it's easier to skim over if you don't want to know the answer: Red: 1854  Blue: 212215